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It's not always easy to tell if a child is a healthy weight for their age and height Children and teenagers need to grow, but they are healthiest if they stay within a certain weight range as they grow This is called a healthy weight for their age How do I know if my child View Article7 BMI, Normal Weight What is the BMI for a 160cm and 53kg male?Body mass index (BMI) is a simple calculation that is used to find out if you're a healthy weight for your height Your BMI is a good indicator of how likely you are to suffer from healthrelated problems associated with being overweight or underweight A healthy BMI range is between 185 and 25 (some ethnic groups are at risk of certain
18 year old 53 kg to 92 kg Anyone weighing under or over the range for weight is considered underweight or overweight and needs a change of diet or medical help A healthy or normal height for a male adolescent from 12 to 18 years of age is 12 year old 137 cm to 161 cm 13 year old 143 cm to 169 cm 14 year old 150 cm to 177 cm 존재하지 않는 이미지입니다 161cm 53kg / H컵 한국 최초 신체본뜬 성인용품 모델 & 디렉터 귀여운 얼굴에 70H컵 몸매의 여대생 때부터 지금까지 하고있다는 성인용품 모델 겸 디렉터 리얼로다 박제니님 공감한 사람 보러가기 댓글 6 공유하기Between 474kgs and 64kgs If I am 160cm and weigh 53kgs, is that a good weight for my height?
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