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The Pro Educator 900 is a modern ecollar designed with safety in mind, novel features like maximum stimulation setting and lock and set protect from accidental overstimulation of the dog This 1/2 mile range ecollar is loaded with unique features making it one of the most humane and effective dog trainer collars aroundPro/E design will help you to understand your particular role within a team effort Intended Audience Individuals or teachers and students in a classroom setting can use this versatile guide Its intended audience is broad and includes • New and experienced designers with little or no CAD/CAM software experience Most claim that "Solidworks" easier to use but the real answer is that "pro e"/"creo" suitable for heavy jobs for better file management called "Windchill PDM Link" It is very different from solidworks PDM "pro e"/"creo" has the best tool called "Skeleton" skeleton help with large assemblies and top down design that no other have

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