Instagram is an online photosharing and social networking service that lets users take pictures, apply filters to them and share those pictures in several ways, including through social networks such as Twitter and Facebook Instagram is available as an application for iPhone, iPad and Android devices Instagram is part of Facebook According to Instagram's Help section, screenshot notifications are displayed if any of your recipients decide to take a screenshot of it You're safe if you send anything else via direct message Screenshots of other types of nondisappearing content that have been sent in direct messages (such as posts from feeds, text or hashtags) won't result in a notification As for the Instagram feed posts, there was never an option to receive a notification when someone screenshots them However, there's a teenytiny situation many easily forget about, where you get a notification when someone takes a screenshot of your photo
Facebook Is Testing Out Ads On Instagram Reels In Only A Few Countries That Includes India Germany Brazil And Australia Digital Information World